Staff shortages at UK airports could prolong travel recovery

Manchester Airports Group has significantly increased the number of active jobs available on its career pages, with open positions increasing from 65 in December to 110 in February, according to GlobalData. However, the leading data and analytics company notes that only 36 positions were closed in this period – an ominous sign of things to come with international trips set to dramatically increase in April.

The peak season for holidays in the UK is fast approaching. According to GlobalData, total domestic and outbound visits in August from the UK are projected to be more than double the total number of visits in April. If staff shortages are not addressed by the peak of the summer season in airports such as Manchester Airport and London Stansted Airport, the impact could be calamitous for the UK’s airport and airline sectors, and the wider tourism industry.

Ralph Hollister, Travel and Tourism Analyst at GlobalData, comments: “Staff shortages could remain a problem for several months as airports scramble to match employment levels with demand. When travel came to a standstill during the pandemic, many airport employees left their positions to work in other industries. Stories of unruly passengers, often long commute times, and job uncertainty, as seen with COVID-19, could be off-putting for many currently seeking work.”

The coming months will be challenging for UK airports and airlines. A lack of staff in key positions could create an array of knock-on impacts, including missed flights, cancelations, and negative traveler sentiment, all of which could prolong recovery.

Hollister adds: “A lack of employees in key roles, such as those involving security, are key contributors to the long queues causing flights to be missed and passenger experiences to turn sour. It’s now up to airport companies to improve their recruitment strategies and make working in an airport an attractive proposition However, lengthy vetting procedures and training processes involved for these positions means the issue with long queues will not vanish overnight.”

Source: Breaking Travel News

Kenya Airways urges consolidation to boost African aviation

Consolidation is the key to driving forward aviation in Africa, according to the chief executive of Kenya Airways.  

“The future of African aviation relies on consolidation to reduce unit costs and connect the continent more,” Kenya Airways Group MD & CEO Allan Kilavuka said at the CAPA Airline Leader Summit in the UK on April 7, 2022.  

“That’s what we’re working on,” he continued in a panel discussion that was streamed online. “We’ve started discussions with some of the major airlines in Africa, especially South African Airways. We want to see how to use assets from both airlines and increase connectivity.” 

Kenya Airways and South African Airways signed a Memorandum of Cooperation (MoC) with the intention of consolidating resources and establishing a Pan-African airline group back in September 2021.   

Joining forces would help bring unit costs down and make African airlines more viable, Kilavuka said, highlighting there were hundreds of small airlines across the continent, many of which were not profitable.  

He said aviation was crucial to the African continent given poor road and rail links. Kenya Airways also has the benefit of a sizeable population in the region, Kilavuka said  

“We need air travel. African carriers should grow, they have to grow,” he said, while also noting a lack of healthy finances is a challenge for the region’s airlines.   

Kilavuka also noted that Kenya Airways was loss-making before the pandemic, and the COVID-19 crisis only made the situation worse. He said the airline was confident it now had the right people in place for a recovery but was still looking for the right business model.   

Talking about current demand and recovery from the pandemic, Kilavuka said he expected demand across Africa to recover by the end of 2023. At Kenya Airways, although Omicron hit bookings in the first quarter of 2022, summer bookings are “very strong”, he said.  

Source: Aerotime Hub

Kenya Airways cuts full-year operating losses by 75%

Kenya Airways slashed full-year operating losses to KSh6.8 billion ($59 million) during 2021, a reduction of 75%.

It generated just over KSh70 billion in revenues over the 12 months to 31 December.

But passenger numbers of 2.2 million were still 57% down on the pre-crisis figure in 2019, and capacity remained nearly two-thirds lower.

Despite the “muted operations”, the carrier says it achieved an improved performance owing to the easing of travel restrictions in some of its more important markets.

Chief executive Allan Kilavuka insists the airline’s management team is “committed to strengthening our business and achieving profitability” by focusing on sustainable operations “anchored around resilience, innovation, and diversification”.

“We are making investments in innovation, technology and other efficiencies that will give our employees the support they need to take care of our customers,” Kilavuka adds.

Kenya Airways chair Michael Joseph acknowledges that last year was “a challenging one” for the industry, with restrictions being lifted and re-imposed as it progressed. The emergence of the ‘Omicron’ variant of Covid-19, he says, “disrupted” the recovery.

“Restructuring and transformation initiatives made during [2020] contributed immensely to the recovery during the second half of [2021],” he adds.

Although direct operating costs for the airline rose by a third last year, as a result of increased operations and higher fuel prices, Kenya Airways says its total operating costs fell by 3.6%.

Source: Flight Global

UAE’s sustainable tourism drive might well be the highpoint of travelling to Dubai

It is well known by now that the international tourism and the livelihoods dependent on it were greatly affected by the global pandemic. However, as the world opens up, the UAE’s travel industry remains resilient. Governments and private sector partners have ensured destinations stay compelling and confidence increases as people begin to travel again.

Things were already looking up last year as Dubai welcomed 7.28 million visitors. Our mission is to strengthen Dubai’s economy by delivering world-class experiences underpinned by sustainable principles. There is tremendous untapped potential in this area – to engage the private and public sectors and garner support from people who are passionate about sustainable tourism.

Since the launch of our Sustainability Requirements, which were implemented to improve and unify environmental practices across hotels and resorts in Dubai, we have ramped up efforts to strengthen the city’s responsible tourism credentials. The requirements also support the hospitality industry and strengthen the ecosystem, as hotels and resorts across the country progress towards achieving their goals. As part of these efforts, Dubai Sustainable Tourism delivered 18,000 hours of training to its stakeholders and partners last year.

A recent Tripadvisor report, Travel in 2022 – A Look Ahead that surveyed more than 10,000 adults aged 18 to 75, found that travellers are seeking destinations where they can immerse themselves in “authentic local experiences”.

Research commissioned by the Centre for Sustainability through Research and Education for Expo 2020 Dubai has also shown that eco-tourism has an increased significance to those travelling to Dubai as 44 per cent of visitors considered sustainability an “important concept influencing their behaviour”.

Catering to this growing demand for eco-tourism, Dubai offers wildlife observation trips, bird watching, stargazing, wetland exploration and visits to local communities. The same study also highlighted that 22 per cent of visitors surveyed identified themselves as responsible, sustainability-minded travellers who use public transport, consume water sensibly, and are willing to pay more for eco-certified products and services.

Like much of the UAE, Dubai offers a multitude of experiences where tourists have the opportunity to engage with local traditions, experience a cultural exchange and visit historical neighbourhoods to understand Emirati heritage.

One example is the Al Marmoom Desert Conservation Reserve, a vast expanse comprising 10 per cent of Dubai’s total area and the largest unfenced nature reserve in the UAE. Popular with both domestic and international tourists, the reserve is home to the 3,000 year old Saruq Al Hadid archaeological site. It is also a sanctuary for more than 200 species of native birds, 158 species of migratory birds and endangered species. The reserve is the perfect terrain for horse-riders and cyclists to explore the vast expanse comprising desert, wetlands and lakes.

The UAE boasts one of the largest ratios of protected areas per land mass in the world with 15.5 per cent of the country protected, and in Dubai protected areas include Al Marmoom Desert Conservation Reserve, the Ras Al Khor Wildlife Sanctuary and the Hatta Nature Reserve. However, the city is constantly expanding its sustainable tourism credentials.

The aim of Dubai 2040 Urban Masterplan is for the city to become one of the world’s most sustainable destinations, while reinforcing Dubai’s reputation as a global hub for business, investment and tourism. The plan also emphasises enhancing the quality of life for Dubai’s residents and visitors and preserving the environment.

By 2040, the length of public beaches across the Emirate will be increased by as much as 400 per cent. The expansion of tourism attractions, meanwhile, will increase by over 100 per cent, adding to the diversity of Dubai’s offerings. A 16km cycling track alongside Jumeirah beach will eventually connect to other coastal areas, building on the city’s 520km bicycle network.

Dubai is committed to supporting ecotourism and environmental protection. And as the UAE looks forward to hosting next year’s climate summit Cop28, which will address opportunities to create a more sustainable and progressive economic future, we believe that responsible tourism principles can help fulfil the country’s sustainability goals.

We cannot, however, do it alone. It is imperative for the public and private sectors to continue to collaborate to accelerate moves towards a green economy, to achieve sustainable tourism goals and make the cities of UAE forward-thinking, world-class destinations for sustainable tourism.

Source: The National News

Business Traveler Anxieties Ripple Across Eastern Europe 

As the number of refugees escaping the war in Ukraine tops four million, surpassing even the United Nations’ worst-case prediction, many businesses operating in the region are working out their next set of contingency plans.

The number of “what if” questions is on the rise, partly because of the uncertainty surrounding ongoing peace talks.

“Over the last 48 hours, there has been a marked change of tone from Russian state-affiliated media outlets, indicating that the Kremlin may actually be serious about changing its objectives,” noted international security company Global Guardian on Wednesday. However, it said Russia will use this time to regroup, reorganize and resupply.

Now one crisis specialist is advising corporate clients on a range of issues, ultimately designed to alleviate stress levels in the face of an expanded geopolitical crisis.

“From our sources, there’s no let-up. It’s more a repositioning, not a withdrawal,” said Julian Moro, senior vice president of security solutions, at risk management company International SOS, which has had a team in Ukraine since January 26.

“While many organizations reduced their exposure to Ukraine, they are thinking about their other populations. What do we tell our employees in other locations to show we are thinking about it, that we have done some contingency planning.”

Perception Versus Reality

That planning has become more difficult for many companies after their crisis teams battled the pandemic for long periods. “There are two things about Covid. One positive is that a lot of companies now have crisis teams, whereas they didn’t pre-Covid,” Moro said. “On the flip side, many crisis teams are exhausted after two years of the pandemic.”

International SOS is now advising company bosses and crisis management teams, where perceptions and emotions rather than the reality are coming into play. It’s talking about Russia’s weapon systems, the distances involved, and what’s the doctrine of the Russians when they are in conflict.

“I feel like we’re helping them manage their anxiety in adjacent countries, about the likeness of an escalation, what would that look like, what are the different scenarios,” Moro said.

Meanwhile, more work around mental health support is emerging, with many of International SOS’s clients requesting multi-lingual crisis hotlines for emotional support, for evacuees, their families and staff members.

Global Guardian, meanwhile, continues to operate in Ukraine evacuating employees of American companies and their families. It has so far helped almost 10,000 people to safety, more recently focusing on retrieving valuable physical assets left behind by U.S. companies.

Source: Skift

Liberising African Aviation Must Be Done Faster

34 years ago, a vision was born, known as the Yamoussoukro Declaration, the vision saw a fully liberalized Intra-African aviation industry.

11 years later, the implementation of the decision took flight with the Yamoussoukro Decision.

More than two decades later, the vision remains in the African Union (AU) integration blueprint but time is seemingly running out on the goal for an open aviation market.

The African continental Trade agreement will increase both intro Africa trade and global business.


Pressure to have a liberalised aviation sector has been accelerated over the past couple of years by the emergence of the Covid-19 crisis.

The sector alongside tourism were the first to take damage from the global health crisis and are tipped to be among the last sector’s to fully make recovery from the crisis.

However, air cargo business and aviation logistics increased with vaccine and healthcare products increased cargo trade.

Even so, the impact of the pandemic on aviation has been more profound in Africa than in other parts of the world.

First off, a bias on the imposition of travel restrictions saw travel bans in and out of a majority of African countries.

This heavily impacted continental carriers, which are greatly reliant on the global aviation market with the intra-African market yet to fully mature although budget airlines seem to be growing and making profits.

The lack of a fully mature intra-African aviation industry across the continent, meanwhile returned to bite the continent hard with the limited access of international destinations on the widespread restrictions imposed to greater magnitude on African States.

The African aviation industry would have likely avoided the greater fall out of restriction had it developed its own air travel market and infrastructure and navigation including across the continent having all major airports with global safety standards.


The Single African Air Transport Market (SAATM) as envisioned three decades ago as the first flagship project under AU Agenda 2063 must now come into fruition in the short to medium term.

The implementation of the project is expected to flank the successful operation of African Free Continental Trade Area (AfCTA) increase free movement of people, investors and tourists within the continent.

A free air transport market further complements investment, employment, and entrepreneurship to foster, free movement of people and goods and the roll-out of the regional or African passport.

Further journey and wait times for air transport are set to come down by at least one fifth, air fares will fall, there will be competition for air services even as more jobs are created in the sector.

However, the war in Europe and reversed costs of transport as the oil barrel price hit record high above 115 dollars per barrel and still rising.

Today, Africa represents a mere four per cent of global world aviation traffic.

This figure is tipped to top 10 per cent with a fully operational single African air transport market.

A study by the International Air Transport Association (IATA) and the African Airlines Association (AFRAA) on the implementation of SAATM by just 12 countries predicts 1.3 billion dollars GDP increment, fare savings of between 25 and 35 per cent, five million additional air passengers and 155,000 new jobs.

In the rest of the world, the liberalisation of air transport markets in the United States and the Europe has deepened the penetration of air transport while creating large and profitable behemoths.

For instance, airlines in the US and Europe are the most profitable while low cost carriers such as Ryan Air have thrived under the liberalised terms.

Despite it’s limited reach, aviation in Africa still supports and estimated 6.8 million jobs while contributing to 72.5 billion dollars to the continent’s GDP.

The potential for aviation nevertheless remains largely untapped for a continent made up mostly of landlocked countries with relatively inefficient road and rail infrastructure.

Cargo air business remains most profitable and will see the private sector partner with public sectors to provide last mile deliveries which will change air/digital efficiencies and outstanding customer experience right yo your doorstep deliveries.

Without the liberalisation of aviation, Africa risks losing out on social-economic benefits and growth due to lack of connectivity.

However, domestic passenger numbers are growing above pre covid statistics in most countries including Kenya.

International passengers are moving towards records numbers however the numbers are unclear with the effects of the war shooting all transport costs to be expensive.

An elaborate intra-African aviation industry would ensure the resilience of the sector amidst shocks such as the Covid-19 pandemic. Governments and bilateral trade agreements and incentives for airlines fly into Africa will greatly improve in Africa.

Airline partnerships and mergers could bring costs down and improve on experience and end to end air solutions.

The creation of a single aviation market will however require the harmonization of national and regional regulations at the continental level.

This would mean creating liberalized air tariffs, unrestricted frequency and capacity and the full liberalization of cargo services.


The African aviation industry has struggled to generate consistent profits over the past decade with the only profitable year coming last in 2010.

However, Ethiopian Airlines leading a successful business trend with world class aircraft and infrastructure investments.

The industry features a number of financial beleaguered carriers while some national flag carriers have gone under over a combination of underfunding, unfavourable regulation, wrong business modelling and financial misappropriation and some giving poor customer care.

Other factors bedevilling players in the industry cover high user charges, taxes, inadequate airport infrastructure and insufficient management expertise, terrorism and Ebola or health crisis such covid issues reducing travel business.

Countries such as Uganda and Tanzania are only re-establishing their flag carriers following the collapse of what was the East Africa Airways while Rwanda Airlines and Kenya Airways investing in newer aircrafts and airport developments .

While the US and Europe aviation industries thrive off intra-airline agreements, consolidation and partnership, Africa’s aviation market remains heavily fragmented with greatest potential and seeking, well managed airline partnerships.

The picture is however changing going by recent developments such as last year’s Strategic Partnership Framework which seeks to bring together Kenya Airways (KQ) and South Africa Airways (SAA).

This model of business needs a lot of inter government synergy and consistent world class service, seamless connectivity and competitive affordable transport rates.

The pair of unprofitable carriers which have over the recent past survived on State bailouts seek to establish joint operations in 2023 including common business plans and initiatives.

Such a partnership could very well usher in the next phase of growth for Africa’s aviation industry.

The future of air transport will see more stronger technical ,electrical and robotics both in ground and in the air to take the aviation business to the next level.

The private sector which is the highest number of business both cargo and passengers look forward to open skies regionally and globally. Happy flying wishes.

Source: Capital News

Marketing Pics Don’t Sync With Travelers’ Tastes, Says Getty Images

In 2022, many travelers are re-prioritizing what they want from their vacations. Yet some brands and content marketers rely on out-of-date criteria when selecting images.

Getty Images, the stock footage agency, surveyed about 7,000 Americans to ask about their travel plans.

The company then looked at the visuals selected by many brands in the past year for TV commercials, online display advertising, and content marketing. Some of the choices were out of alignment with consumer preferences at the moment.

“In the next year, people are twice as likely to consider domestic travel than they are to consider a trip internationally,” said Tristen Norman, director of creative insights, Americas.

More than half of Americans surveyed are not planning a foreign trip in 2022, said the so-called VisualGPS results, which Getty Images released on Tuesday.

Cautiousness about foreign travel is significantly higher, on average, among baby boomers than among millennials. That’s a problem for the travel industry because baby boomers tend to travel longer and spend more.

Only 14 percent of surveyed consumers are planning an expensive dream trip this year.

Yet many brands are still using images that represent lavish international journeys, despite a common interest in staying close to home — and a shift in how travelers have begun to represent themselves on social media platforms Instagram and TikTok.

In the survey, the most-mentioned purpose for travelers in 2022 across age groups was social connection.

About 40 percent of travelers are prioritizing trips to see loved ones and friends this year, the survey found.

Norman recommended that brands opt for people-centered shots rather than people-less landscapes.

“Before the pandemic, people were really focused on what we call ‘Instagram envy,’” Norman said, with a frequent focus on recreating places and experiences they had seen others post on social media.

Now, social re-connection along with cultural discovery are surfacing.

Imagery showing social connection may resonate much better than the pre-pandemic mainstays of images of solo travelers shot from behind with an exotic or food item destination foregrounded instead.

Outdoor-themed vacations also are remaining highly popular in 2022, continuing a two-year boom. But many brands are instead this year showing images in cities.

Norman noted that all types of Americans visit outdoor destinations and that outdoor imagery doesn’t have to be of white families only.

Asian people, for example, are seen seven times less than whites, and Hispanic people are seen 10 times less, in imagery that has an outdoor travel theme.

One bright spot was that marketers were gravitating toward road trips, an idea that is, in fact, top-of-mind with many consumers now.

“We see growth in all types of road trips,” Norman said. “To us, that’s a clear indicator that there is some understanding of the ways in which most consumers are approaching their travel plans.”

But on the downside, there was a decline in the past couple of years of brands choosing travel images that represent what Norman called “micro-cultures,” or diverse activities beyond mainstream attractions like American football.

In positive news, the use of travel imagery including African Americans is up 18 percent over two years, though admittedly that was from a low base relative to population share.

Source: Skift

Covid-19 Presented an Opportunity to Rethink Tourism, Industry Players Say

Covid-19 Presented an Opportunity to Rethink Tourism, Industry Players Say

Various stakeholders in the tourism sector have said that Covid-19 presented a major opportunity to rethink the industry and be more innovative despite the numerous challenges it brought.

Speaking at a roundtable discussion during the rebrand of Express Travel Group (ETG) to Hemingways Travel, Tourism CS Najib Balala noted that the Covid-19 pandemic presented an opportunity for industry players to think out of the box since it wasn’t things as usual.

“Technology innovation and collaboration enabled the tourism sector to ride the difficult Covid period and this should be the trend going forward,” Balala said.

According to Hemingways Travel MD Joseph Kithitu, the pandemic revealed that things can happen outside of your plans and that shows you need a serious travel back up to maintain your movement.

“Covid-19 didn’t come to kill travel or business, it came in to bring a new shift that people want to travel safe, in an organized way and that’s what we are bringing to the table with this rebrand,” said Kithitu.

Balala noted that innovation, digitization, and expansion to leisure travel is a sure win for Hemingways Travel and any other sector players looking to thrive in the tourism and travel sector as the industry continues to recover.

“Covid-19 gave us an opportunity to leapfrog to technology, the Hemingways travel is a testament to what we need to do as businesses, which is to rethink your business model on how to create better connections with your customers,” said Agnes Mucuha, CEO Kenya Association of Travel Agents(KATA).

The tourism industry was one of the most hit sectors by the pandemic with almost 1 million jobs lost according to industry data.

Even so, the industry is steadily recovering with the country’s tourism earnings growing by 65.4 per cent to Sh146.51billion in 2021 compared to Sh88.56billion in 2020.

This has been credited to the implementation of various interventions by the government to mitigate the effects of the pandemic on the sector, including a focus on domestic tourism.

Balala noted that despite the improvement, the industry had not recovered properly and much is needed from airline connectivity to affordability of products to ensure a full recovery.

“For 2022, we are hoping to surpass the 2021 revenues we don’t just want numbers,” Balala said.

According to the Annual Tourism Sector Performance Report 2021, new vision strategies such as digitization have supported sector recovery and Hemingways Travel has made significant enhancements to its platform to meet changing industry needs.

Source: Capital FM

CDC drops its COVID-19 risk advisory for cruise ship travel

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention has lifted its risk advisory for cruise ship travel Wednesday following two years of issuing warnings to travelers about the possibility of contracting COVID-19 onboard a cruise.

In an update posted online, the agency removed its “Cruise Ship Travel Health Notice,” a notice that recommended individuals against traveling onboard cruise ships. Three months ago, the CDC increased its travel warnings for cruises to Level 4 — the highest level — following investigations of ships that had COVID outbreaks.

While the CDC has lifted its travel health notice, officials say it’s up to the passengers to determine their own health risks before going onboard a cruise ship.

“While cruising will always pose some risk of COVID-19 transmission, travelers will make their own risk assessment when choosing to travel on a cruise ship, much like they do in all other travel settings,” the agency said in a statement to NPR.

The agency says it will continue to provide guidance to the cruise ship industry in order for cruise lines to operate in a way that will provide “safer and healthier” environments for crews, passengers and communities.

News of the CDC’s decision to remove its travel health notice was praised by the Cruise Lines International Association, the industry’s largest trade organization.

“Today’s decision by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to altogether remove the Travel Health Notice for cruising recognizes the effective public health measures in place on cruise ships and begins to level the playing field, between cruise and similarly situated venues on land, for the first time since March 2020.

From the onset of the pandemic, CLIA’s cruise line members have prioritized the health and safety of their guests, crew, and the communities they visit and are sailing today with health measures in place that are unmatched by virtually any other commercial setting.”

The CDC emphasizes that travelers should make sure they’re up to date with their COVID-19 vaccines before taking a cruise, in addition to following their ship’s requirements and recommendations against the virus.

Travelers are urged to check their cruise ship’s COVID case levels and vaccination requirements online before traveling, the agency says.

Source: NPR