Around the world, passengers frequently become frustrated by flight delays. Even though airlines work hard to keep their schedules on time, several things can interfere with flight operations.

Here is the list of reasons for flight delays:

  1. Poor Weather

One of the main reasons for flight delays is weather. Unfavorable meteorological circumstances, such as hurricanes, strong winds, fog, heavy snow, or thunderstorms, can make it dangerous for aeroplanes to take off or land. For instance, heavy crosswinds can make landing challenging, and dense fog can impair pilot visibility. In severe situations, whole airports can close, causing numerous delays and cancellations.

  • Congestion in Air Traffic

Airspace and airports are frequently congested, especially in large cities and during the busiest travel times. When air traffic is heavy, Aircraft may have to fly around a circle before landing or takeoff, which could cause flight delays. According to a Eurocontrol study in 2023, the average flight delay was 17.5 minutes.

  • Technical and Mechanical Problems

Airlines prioritise passenger safety, thus even minor technical problems could result in delays. Aircraft undergo routine maintenance inspections before takeoff, and any issues discovered must be resolved before the aircraft is authorised for flight.

Flight delays may result from a shortage of air traffic controllers, pilots, flight attendants, or ground staff. The number of hours a pilot or crew member may work is limited by severe labor standards that apply to airlines. If a crew member has worked more hours than allowed by law due to previous delays, they may need to be replaced before the flight can proceed. Strikes by airport or airline employees can also interfere with operations and result in major flight delays.

  • Security Concerns

Increased security can cause delays in flights, particularly at international airports. Security concerns may lead to additional screenings, baggage checks, or even last-minute passenger expulsion. If a security threat is found, several flights may temporarily cease operations.

What do you think is the main reason for flight delays? Let us know in the comment section!

Source : Travel Radar

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