Qatar Airways commits to aviation expansion in Rwanda, also in Southern Africa generally

When Qatar Airways, in Dec-2019, signed an agreement with Rwanda’s government to acquire a 60% stake in the new Bugesera Airport, presently under construction, it was initially considered a strange decision for the airline, even if it had already taken an interest in the sector (specifically with the Vnukovo airport in Moscow; a deal that still hasn’t been closed).

But the airline’s method has become clearer lately as it positions itself not only to take a 49% stake in RwandAir – the flag carrier – as well, but also potentially in a so far unnamed Southern African airline.

Central/East Africa could do with a genuine continental level hub. Nairobi and Addis Ababa are both capable of being one, but neither seems to be able to get over the line for one reason or other.

Starting out with a clean slate, at an airport set up for hubbing transfer passengers (assuming it is), with a compliant minor partner, and in a country which is starting to show economic potential 30 years after its dreadful civil war, could provide Qatar Airways with leverage in what is supposed to be about to become the world’s fastest growing continent for aviation.

Qatar Airways ‘to announce southern Africa airline investment’ soon

Qatar Airways CEO Badr Mohammed Al Meer said recently that the company was planning to announce an investment in an airline in southern Africa in May-2024 or Jun-2024.

Mr Al Meer added that the investment would complement the airline’s proposed acquisition of a 49% stake in RwandAir and its 60% stake in Kigali Bugesera International Airport.

Mr Al Meer, who became the airline’s CEO in Nov-2023, sees the southern part of Africa as a gap in Qatar Airways’ network coverage that it should fill. Although Qatar Airways already flies to (in excess of) 30 cities across Africa, the southern part of the continent is regarded as being the “last piece of the equation”, and one that would help it to gain greater scale where there has been rising travel demand in recent years.

Seat capacity as well as passenger demand on the rise across the African continent

The chart below confirms that seat capacity, too, has been on the rise in the Southern African region – from 2012 to 2019, and consistently with one exception (2013). Growth in that period was almost +28%, and growth in 2023 was +22% over the previous year, bringing capacity back to the level of 2014 after the COVID-19 pandemic disruption.

What is interesting, though, is that capacity growth in Africa as a whole was considerably higher in that period (+44%), and that growth in 2023 put the capacity back to in excess of the 2019 level, not at the 2014 one. What’s more, there are almost as many seats now, less than halfway through 2024, as there were in 2023.

That does suggest that Qatar Airways might be over-egging the importance of the Southern Africa market, and that it might benefit from looking at what is happening elsewhere on the continent.

It also wishes to help expand the operations of its partner airlines in Africa to improve connectivity.

The airline’s focus already seems to be on the east and south of Africa

As the map below shows, the airline is already established, with routes mainly in the east and south rather than the west and north of the continent.

It is entirely possible that Mr Meer might have been referencing the proposed stake in RwandAir, rather than a further one in a southern African country’s airline; even if airlines such as South Africa Airways, for example, would surely benefit from it.

Rwanda‘s strategic position at the heart of Africa

Rwanda is located almost on the equator and is neighbours with UgandaBurundiTanzania and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. It can hardly be referred to as a southern African country, except insofar as it lies south of the Sahara Desert and the Maghreb, which are the usual designators of the ‘north’.

Location of Rwanda

Source: Google Maps.

But Rwanda‘s strategic location is paramount – approximately in the centre of the continent, and with the new airport under construction there (Bugesera) in a position to do what Kenya‘s Nairobi Jomo Kenyatta airport and Ethiopia‘s Addis Ababa Bole airport aspire to do without ever quite succeeding: namely, to act as a centralised hub for the entire continent.

RwandAir has established its own small niche hub in the region

In order to have a successful hub a strong flag carrier is needed, and although RwandAir does not have the scope of Nairobi or Addis Ababa, it is growing.

The route network map below shows that the airline has an established network to the east, west and south of the continent (only the north is underrepresented), as well as to major cities in western Europe and the Gulf (including Qatar), based at the existing airport.

RwandAir: network map for the week commencing 27-May-2024

Source: CAPA – Centre for Aviation and OAG.

The bloody civil war is becoming a distant memory as services, finance and tourism dominate today’s economy

Rwanda is best known internationally for two things.

Firstly, the civil war between 1993 and 1996, which saw the slaughter of up to 800,000 people, one tenth of the population, in just three months in 1994.

Secondly, the more recent agreement (2023) struck with the United Kingdom to receive illegal immigrants into the UK as deportees.

It is fair to say that although it is still a poor country by ‘First World’ standards, its agriculture still taking the form of subsistence farming on rich volcanic soils that promise much more, Rwanda has experienced a dynamic transformation since the genocide.

It is today regarded as a fast growing Sub-Saharan economy, yet conversely with growing levels of poverty. It has major public investments, is a major exporter of coffee, and is in competition with Uganda for regional influence.

Rwanda has only a small industrial sector, so a great deal of emphasis is put on the service sector, including banking and finance, hotels and restaurants, transport, storage, communication, insurance, real estate, business services and public administration (which is its largest sector).

Tourism is one of the fastest growing economic resources and became the country’s leading foreign exchange earner almost 20 years ago. In spite of the genocide’s legacy, the country is increasingly perceived internationally as a safe destination, with a tourism focus on creatures in their natural habitats.

Approaching two million annual tourists before the COVID-19 pandemic

Tourism spending, which was next to zero as recently as 2004 (a decade after the genocide), reached USD636 million in 2019, from USD67 million in 2005.

In 2018 there were 1,715,000 tourists (the total declined slightly in 2019), and that was the highest total ever recorded, well above the average (1.2 million) for the 13 East African states.

It is a mark of how far the ‘land of a thousand hills’ has come touristically that adverts for ‘Visit Rwanda‘ are beamed around the world on televised football matches in London (ironically, the Emirates Stadium) during Premier League, domestic cups, and Champions League matches, on account of a sponsorship deal with Arsenal Football Club.

For Qatar Airways it is ‘virgin territory’, and with less Chinese influence than elsewhere on the continent

So it is beginning to become evident why Qatar Airways is interested in Rwanda – a country with a growing economy in the service, finance and tourism sectors, centrally located on the continent, with an economic workforce about to be reinforced by immigrants, and one where although there is economic cooperation with China, it is not at the same level as found elsewhere in Africa.

(Indeed, the Portuguese company subsidiary Mota Engil Engenharia e Construção Africa SA replaced China State Construction Engineering Corporation as the key contractor for the new airport project when construction began in 2017, a year after the project was pitched to delegates at the Global Airport Development conference in Lisbon).

The new Bugesera airport is a USD1.3 billion project, to handle up to 8mppa eventually

While an investment into RwandAir may or may not happen, the one by Qatar Airlines into the new Bugesera Airport is tangible.

The map below is of the three existing commercial airports in Rwanda, including the Kigali International Airport serving the capital.

Existing airports in Rwanda

Source: CAPA – Centre for Aviation and OAG.

In 2019 the airline took a 60% stake in the USD1.3 billion (originally USD800 million) international airport being constructed in Rwanda, Bugesera; one has to say, at a leisurely pace, as it is currently due to open in 2027/28, put back from 2026.

Part of the reason for the delay, apart from the pandemic, is that in Mar-2019 some elements of the construction were put on hold to accommodate a redesigning of the facility.

Then, in 2021, it entered into a code share agreement with RwandAir, operating around 150 flights between Doha and Kigali between them, between 2022 and 2023.

RwandAir is very much a junior partner. Although Qatar Airways operates over 250 aircraft, RwandAir has only 14 aircraft, including two ageing Airbus A330-200s that serve intercontinental routes.

In May 2023 Qatar Airways Cargo initiated a hub at Kigali International Airport in partnership with RwandAir for its cargo handling, in order to expand the airline’s African air cargo network and meeting up to 5% of its annual economic growth forecast for the continent within a decade.

‘No better partner or location for an African hub’ – Qatar Airways

Qatar Airways has previously stated that it couldn’t find any better partner or location to create or to build a hub for it and its partners in central Africa other than Kigali.

The airport, located 25km southeast of Kigali, which is being built in cooperation with Qatar‘s government, will be equipped with a 130,000sqm terminal and will have capacity to handle 1.7 million passengers per annum initially (phase 1) and eight million eventually – that would put it in the top five African airports now.

It will have a 4,200m runway.

The potential to fill a void and thereby create a broader, even possibly pan-continental, hub

Just what impact Bugesera will have in the immediate region and on the continent as a whole is yet to be revealed, but there is the potential at least for it to fill a void in the central/east African region – where Nairobi’s main airport needs a new terminal but delivery of it is long overdue, and while Addis Ababa‘s new airport, the site of which was first conceived in 2014, has yet to see a spade turned on it.

These two airports were featured in the CAPA – Centre for Aviation reports: New Nairobi Airport PPP terminal confirmed as government investigates ‘status’ of Kenyan airports from Dec-2023 and New Addis Ababa airport eight years in planning has still not seen a spade turned from Nov-2022.

Rwanda does not have the population (14 million) for Bugesera to become a major point-to-point airport, and the existing Kigali Airport does not make the Top 20 busiest airports on the continent.

But the largest cities are not always the biggest transfer points, as AtlantaSingaporePanama City, Reykjavik, and others can testify; even Sal, in Cape Verde, during South Africa‘s apartheid era.

The investment Qatar Airways has made, and is apparently about to make, in Rwanda has a distinct purpose. Together with an expanded RwandAir it can set up a central continental base and hub to compete with any other, and one that would be well placed to interact with any future expansion in the southern part of the continent.

Source: Centre For Aviation.  

Discover Adwa Zero Park: A Tribute to Heroism and Victory

Welcome to Adwa Zero Park, a remarkable destination located in the heart of Addis Ababa. This park is much more than a beautiful green space; it’s a living monument that commemorates Ethiopia’s historic victory at the Battle of Adwa. Designed to inspire and educate, Adwa Zero Park honors a pivotal moment in Ethiopian and African history, symbolizing national pride and resilience.
Why Visit Adwa Zero Park?

  1. Historical Significance
  • The Battle of Adwa: On March 1, 1896, Ethiopian forces under Emperor Menelik II and Empress Taytu Betul triumphed over the invading Italian army.
    This victory was not only a defining moment for Ethiopia but also a significant milestone in the resistance against colonialism in Africa.

2. Prime Location and Accessibility

    • Centrally Located: Adwa Zero Park is conveniently situated in Addis Ababa, making it easily accessible to both locals and tourists. Its central location underscores its importance as a national landmark.

    3. Monuments and Memorials
    – Honour the Heroes: The park features numerous monuments and memorials dedicated to the brave figures of the Battle of Adwa, including Emperor Menelik II and Empress Taytu Betul.

      • Iconic Statue: The centrepiece is a towering statue symbolizing Ethiopian independence
        and unity, serving as a focal point for reflection and commemoration.

      4. Beautiful Landscaping and Design

        • Serene Environment: The park is beautifully landscaped with lush greenery, walking
          paths, and seating areas.
          Traditional Ethiopian elements are incorporated into the design, creating a peaceful and
          culturally resonant environment.
        • Educational Layout: The park’s layout provides a tranquil space for contemplation while
          educating visitors about the historical significance of the Battle of Adwa.

        5. Educational and Cultural Activities
        -Engaging Events: Adwa Zero Park hosts various educational and cultural events, including guided tours, historical re-enactments, and exhibitions.
        These activities are designed to deepen your understanding of the Battle of Adwa and its
        impact on Ethiopian history.

          • Special Celebrations: On significant anniversaries, such as March 1st, special events are
            organized to celebrate the victory and honour the memory of those who fought.

          6.Rich Visitor Experience

            • Informative Displays: The park offers a rich and immersive experience with informational
              plaques and interactive displays detailing the battle, strategies, and key figures involved.
            • Museum and Information Center**: A small museum or information centre on-site
              showcases artifacts, photographs, and documents related to the Battle of Adwa, providing a
              valuable resource for history enthusiasts.

            7.Entrance fee USD20
            8.Closed on Tuesday’s
            Adwa Zero Park is more than just a park: it’s a testament to Ethiopia’s enduring spirit and the
            triumph of its people.
            Whether you’re a history enthusiast, a tourist, or a local resident, a visit to Adwa Zero Park
            offers a profound and inspiring experience.
            By commemorating the Battle of Adwa, the park connects the past with the present and
            reminds us of all the power of courage and determination.
            Visit Adwa Zero Park and be part of a legacy that celebrates Ethiopia’s resilience, unity, and

            Learn more about Ethiopian holidays here :

              US-Nigeria Air Transport Agreement Expected To ‘Open Skies’ Between the Two Nations

              In a significant development for US-Nigeria air connectivity, the air transport agreement between the two countries, which was provisionally applied more than two decades ago, came into effect earlier this month.

              While only two US airlines connect the US with Nigeria, this agreement is expected to liberalize the aviation sector further, easing the entry of more players, particularly from Nigeria.

              Open skies agreement comes into force

              On May 13, the US-Nigeria Air Transport Agreement came into force, establishing a modern civil aviation relationship with Nigeria consistent with US Open Skies international aviation policy.

              The agreement was provisionally applied in 2000, and the current enforcement will allow unrestricted capacity and frequency of services, open route rights, a liberal charter regime, and open codesharing opportunities. The US Department of State commented, “This agreement with Nigeria is a step forward in liberalizing the international civil aviation sector in Africa and further expands our strong economic and commercial partnership, promotes people-to-people ties, and creates new opportunities for airlines, travel companies, and customers. With this agreement, air carriers can provide more affordable, convenient, and efficient air services to travelers and shippers, which in turn promotes tourism and commerce.”

              Indeed, the US is home to more than 500,000 Nigerian-born US citizens and legal residents and 17,000 Nigerian students. This move seems to be in the right direction, strengthening these ties even further and creating new economic opportunities.

              Only US carriers currently fly between the two countries

              For anyone looking to fly non-stop between Nigeria and the US, there are currently only two options. United Airlines flies thrice weekly between Washington Dulles International Airport (IAD) and Lagos’ Murtala Muhammed International Airport (LOS), while Delta flies daily to Lagos from Hartsfield–Jackson Atlanta International Airport (ATL).

              In the absence of any Nigerian carriers flying between the two nations, some are skeptical if Nigeria can actually extract the benefit from this agreement. Olumide Ohunayo, industry analyst and Director of research, Zenith Travels told BusinessDay, “In that agreement, we were given 10 years head start advantage that Nigerian airlines can go to the USA for 10 years before the American airlines start coming. That was blown away because we didn’t even have an airline that was ready to go to the U.S. “By the time Virgin Nigeria was ready, their ownership structure and the problem they were having with the U.S. and British Bilateral Air Service Agreement stalled Virgin Nigeria from operating and till today we are still stuck with no Nigerian airlines going to the U.S. Arik tried at a time but stopped.”

              Air Piece gets approval

              Things could change soon with Air Peace, the largest airline in Nigeria and West Africa, receiving approval to fly to John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York (JFK) in February this year. The carrier had written to the aviation ministry in January seeking permission to start US operations and received the following reply: “Conveyance of approval to Messrs Air Peace Limited to operate commercial international flight operations into and out of New York.”

              Source: Simple Flying.

              Welcome to Addis Ababa!

              Discovering the Vibrant Charms of Addis Ababa!

              Ethiopian Holidays, the tourism wing, of Ethiopian Airlines Group would like to extend its warmest welcome to Addis Ababa!

              Addis Ababa, is a city that sits like a crown atop the Ethiopian mountains, beckoning you to uncover its layers of history, culture, and natural splendor. Ethiopian Holidays guides you to embark on a journey through the heart of Africa’s political and cultural epicenter.

              Perched high in the Ethiopian mountains, Addis Ababa’s mild climate has acted as a magnetic force for centuries, drawing people to its embrace. Today, it stands as the headquarters of major international organizations, including the African Union and the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa, solidifying its position as a diplomatic and political hub.

              As dawn breaks, imagine waking up in the luxurious Ethiopian Skylight Hotel, your room offering panoramic views that unfold like a masterpiece. The sunrise paints the city with hues of gold, and you find yourself captivated by the unfolding day below, where the airport’s plane wings catch the morning glow.

              Venture onto the bustling streets, where coffee shops on every corner entice locals and visitors alike with the warm, aromatic brew that Ethiopia is renowned for. White-robed women gracefully weave through the crowds, their vibrant attire adding a burst of color to the waking city. This is Addis Ababa, a city that truly lives up to its name as the new flower of Africa.

              A trip to the historic heart of Addis Ababa is a must, and Entoto and Unity Parks await you with open arms. Constructed over a century ago, Unity Park’s sprawling oasis spans 40,000 square meters, holding within its walls the political nerve center from which the imperial family once ruled. Wander among ancient Orthodox churches and let the Imperial Banquet Hall and Royal House transport you to eras long past. Discover the recently opened Friendship Park, where tradition and modernization seamlessly coexist. An open-air arena hosts cultural performances, children play in new playgrounds, and a small zoo presents native wildlife. It’s a testament to Addis Ababa’s ability to embrace both its rich traditions and the pulse of contemporary life.

              As you leave the palace grounds, you lose yourself in the labyrinthine alleys of Merkato market. The dizzying array of spices, fabrics, and housewares creates a kaleidoscopic wonderland, and at the open-air Shola Gebeya, the sounds and scents transport you to another world. Street artists in Churchill capture landmark scenes of the city, offering treasured souvenirs of your visit.

              Addis Ababa is a city that captures your senses at every turn. Marvel at great monuments at Arat Killo and Sidist Kilo, standing guard and honoring Ethiopia’s illustrious past. Seek respite in lush parks, where museums and artisans alike showcase the vibrancy of Ethiopian culture. Food vendors tantalize your taste buds with the traditional Injera bread paired with aromatic stews and spices.

              As the sun sinks low, Addis Ababa truly comes alive. Restaurants serving authentic Ethiopian cuisine compete with cultural shows for your evening entertainment. Whether you seek activity or relaxation, Addis Ababa offers it all after dark. From serene memorial parks to lively outdoor bazaars, the city never ceases to surprise and enchant.

              Ethiopian Holidays (ET-Holidays) ensures that the magic of Addis Ababa will stay with you long after your journey through this beautiful nation. The warmth, wonders, and welcoming people of Addis Ababa are sure to leave you enchanted, craving to immerse yourself even deeper on your next visit. This city awaits you, ready to ignite your senses and inspire your adventures. We wholeheartedly invite you to experience it for yourselves. Come, let Addis Ababa weave its spell on you. We hope to welcome you soon!

              Zambia Airways Adds Exciting New Destinations to its Network

              Zambia Airways, the national carrier of the Republic of Zambia, is thrilled to unveil its latest expansion with the introduction of new passenger services to East Africa. Starting on June 27, 2024, the airline will begin operating flights three times a week to two major cities: Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, and Nairobi, Kenya. This new route reflects Zambia Airways’ commitment to enhancing connectivity and fostering trade and tourism between Zambia and East Africa.

              The new service, designated as flight ZN 504, will operate from Lusaka (LUN), the capital of Zambia, to Dar es Salaam (DAR) and Nairobi (NBO). The flights are scheduled for Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. This schedule is strategically designed to cater to both business and leisure travelers, providing them with convenient options for planning their trips to these vibrant cities.

              Flight ZN 504 will depart Lusaka at 08:00 AM and arrive in Dar es Salaam at 10:30 AM. After a short layover, the flight will continue to Nairobi, landing at 01:00 PM. This timing allows passengers ample time during the day to commence their activities in either city, whether it’s business meetings or sightseeing. The return flight will follow a similar schedule, ensuring a seamless travel experience for all passengers.

              This expansion is a significant milestone for Zambia Airways as it not only broadens its network but also plays a crucial role in strengthening regional ties. The addition of these routes is expected to boost the airline’s growth and contribute positively to the economic development of Zambia and its East African counterparts. Passengers can look forward to experiencing Zambia Airways’ renowned hospitality and reliable service on these new flights.

              DayFlight NumberDepart LUNArrive DARDepart DARArrive NBODepart NBOArrive LUN
              Tue, ThuZN 50407:0010:3011:1512:3513:2015:20
              SatZN 50407:0011:4513:0513:5015:20

              “The network expansion is reflective of our mission of enhancing regional connectivity and making air transport services affordable for a wide range of customers,” says Thomas Woldesenbet, CEO of Zambia Airways. “The launch of services to Dar es Salaam and Nairobi will further strengthen the ties between Zambia and the two East African sister countries and foster trade and tourism.”

              Source:   Travel and Tour World.  

              Chinese market a pillar of KQs’ global business.

              A top Kenya Airways executive has described Chinese market as a pillar of the airline’s global business given its competitive nature and a promising future.

              “We see a good fiscal year ahead since China’s aviation performance is robust, which has given us confidence in the Chinese market,” Julius Thairu, chief commercial and customer officer with the airline, said during an interview with Xinhua.

              After entering the Chinese market in 2005, the Kenyan carrier flies weekly routes from Nairobi to South China’s Guangzhou city. Thairu said that next year, the 20th anniversary of the company’s entering the Chinese market, a new direct flight from Nairobi to Beijing will be launched.

              “From capital to capital, and from Kenya to other African countries, easier transportation will bring us closer,” he said, adding that China remains Africa’s largest trading partner for 15 consecutive years.

              Kenya is China’s largest trading partner in East Africa, while China is Kenya’s largest trading partner and source of imports.

              Tourism resources

              With its rich tourism resources and eased visa policy for foreign visitors, Kenya has become a popular destination for Chinese tourists. Thairu said KQ is partnering with several Chinese airlines on interline agreements, ground operations, and code sharing. It has been recruiting Chinese-speaking cabin crews to better serve the expanding market.

              After visiting Beijing to attend the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation in 2006, Thairu has been to cities like Shanghai, Guangzhou and Changsha, and was amazed at how modern those cities are.      


              KQ resumes flights to Kinshasa after detained staffer released.

              Kenya Airways Monday announced the resumption of flights to Kinshasa after an employee who had been detained there was released.

              KQ Chief Executive Officer Allan Kilavuka reiterated their staff are innocent in the saga that led to the suspension of flights to the Democratic Republic of Congo.

              “We want to reiterate that our employees are innocent and were only carrying out their duties in strict adherence to the laid-out procedures. We stand by their innocence and will continue to support them.”

              “With the necessary ground support in place, we are pleased to announce that Kenya Airways will resume flights to Kinshasa on 8 May 2024. We look forward to serving our valued customers once again,” he said.

              The suspension of the flights to DRC had badly affected many operations in the country.

              The Kenya Airways employee who had been detained by the Democratic Republic of Congo Military Intelligence Unit was finally freed on Monday after a two-week detention.

              Foreign Affairs Principal Secretary Korir Sing’oei made the announcement Monday evening after negotiations.

              According to the PS, Lydia Mbotela, a KQ manager working in the DRC, was released after negotiations facilitated by Kenya’s Military Attaché and Charge d’affaires.

              “Deeply grateful to inform that Lydia Mbotela, KQ Manager in DRC, has just been released by the authorities in Kinshasa,” Sing’oei wrote on social platform X on Monday.

              “I commend the team at our Mission: our Military Attaché, the FRO and the Charge d’affaires, for this incredible work of negotiating our compatriot’s release.”

              Kilavuka said the two were apprehended by the Military Intelligence Unit in Kinshasa for “missing customs documentation on valuable cargo.”

              Kilavuka, on the other hand, faulted Kinshasa authorities for arresting the duo, claiming that they were being held in violation of a court order and that the cargo in question had not been uplifted or accepted by KQ.

              As the situation deteriorated, KQ suspended its flights to Kinshasha, stating in a statement that it was unable to provide its services effectively without its employees.

              The KQ boss thanked the Ministry of Foreign Affairs staff led by Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi for the release.

              It has emerged the borne of contention was about USD8 million that was to be flown to Kenya from DRC, according to investigators.

              The money belonged to a bank.

              But the money allegedly went missing from the airport before it could be admitted into the airline as cargo and before the military officials arrived.

              This prompted the move to detain the two workers.

              Kinshasa gave in to the demands to release the workers before the flights were resumed even as the investigations into the claims went on.

              The security officials there suspected the money was being used to fund resurgence there.

              SourceThe Star.   

              Welcome to Ethiopian Airlines Corporate Travel Program

              The Ethiopian Airlines Corporate Travel program is designed to let your company enjoy substantial savings through upfront discount and other benefits for your business travel.  Ethiopian Airlines is proud to provide seamless connection from five continents to more places in Africa than any other airline.  It has acquired one of the youngest fleet and state of the art aircraft including B787, B777, B737-800 new generation which enable the airline serve its clients with more comfort and reliability. It is for these and other reasons that most of our corporate clients choose Ethiopian as their preferred carrier. For further information about Ethiopian route network please click  here

              About Ethiopian Airlines Corporate Travel Program

              Ethiopian Corporate Travel Program provides benefits depending on the yearly travel spend on Ethiopian services . Companies with a yearly travel budget of USD 50,000 and above for its employees and affiliates can enroll in to our corporate program.  Customers can buy their tickets online, at their designated travel agent or at Ethiopian ticket offices.  The corporate program will be effective when both parties agree and sign the contract.  It is renewable at the end of the agreement period (usually a year from the effective date), based on the fulfillment of the promised travel expenditure on Eth


              Contact us more details

              +254 723 786 649

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               Global contact centre

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              Kenya Airways suspends DR Congo flights in protest over detained crew.

              Kenya’s national carrier Kenya Airways has suspended its flights to Kinshasa, citing the continued detention of its crew by the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)’s military over a controversial consignment of banknotes. In an update on Monday, the airline said the suspension will take effect from Tuesday, pointing out difficulties in supervision and support of its operations in Kinshasa.

              “Due to the continued detention of KQ employees by the Military Intelligence Unit in Kinshasa, Kenya Airways is unable to support our flights without personnel effectively. As a result, we reached a difficult decision to suspend flights to Kinshasa effective April 30, 2024, until we can effectively support these flights,” said the carrier’s managing director, Allan Kilavuka, in the notice.

              “The continued detention of our employees has made it difficult for us to supervise our operations in Kinshasa, which include customer service, ground handling, cargo activities, and generally ensuring safe, secure, and efficient operations.”

              The move by KQ is set to benefit other airlines servicing the Nairobi-Kinshasa route, including Ethiopian Airlines, Precision Air, ASKY Airlines, and South African Airways.

              Last week, Mr Kilavuka said two of the airline’s staff were arrested and detained on April 19, 2024, over alleged missing customs documentation on valuable cargo which was to be shipped on a KQ flight on April 12, 2024.

              The cargo in question, however, was not uplifted by the carrier or accepted by them due to incomplete documentation.

              Mr Kilavuka said military officers in Kinshasa took the two employees to the military side of the air wing to record statements, but they were held incommunicado until April 23 when the embassy officials and a KQ team were allowed to visit them.

              Though DRC officials are yet to comment on the matter, sources told The EastAfrican newspaper that the case is about transportation of $8 million that was seized before being loaded on the KQ plane.

              A local newspaper reported that a commercial bank attempted to export the money “clandestinely without the knowledge of the security services”.

              The bank cited by Congolese media, TMB Bank, dismissed the allegations, saying “an operation to export banknotes in foreign currencies, which moreover, is a common practice of commercial banks and therefore does not constitute an offence as insinuated by certain journalists who, unfortunately, and for reasons of their own, refrained from investigating the various departments involved in such as operation”.

              “Our bank has complied with all the formalities required for this operation, which is not the first of its kind and is inherent to the operation of banks, particularly for notes unfit for circulation, either because of their condition or because of their series,” TMB Bank further said.

              Diplomatic tiffs

              The recent developments have turned the spotlight on intermittent diplomatic tiffs between the two countries. In December last year, DRC recalled its ambassador to Nairobi after summoning the Kenyan envoy in Kinshasa in protest against the creation of a new coalition of Congolese rebels in Nairobi.

              At the heart of the conflict was the creation of a new coalition of rebel leaders that was announced in Nairobi by the former president of the Independent National Electoral Commission (Ceni), Corneille Nangaa.

              Kinshasa reacted swiftly by recalling its envoy, John Nyakeru, from Nairobi and ordering Kenya to explain the incident.

              Source The East African

              Uganda ready to sign Africa open skies plan.

              Uganda is keen to sign the Single Africa Air Transport Market protocol, ending years of fence-sitting.

              Authorities in Kampala indicated this week that the Uganda will join the open skies regime in the next financial year. “We are left with approval by Cabinet. Once that is done, we will be good to go,” said Fred Bamwesigye, director-general of Uganda Civil Aviation Authority (UCCA) at a meeting in Kampala.

              Mr Bamwesigye, who represented Works and Transport Minister Gen Edward Katumba Wamala, said Uganda’s reluctance to join the Single Africa Air Transport Market (SAATM) since its launch in 2018 was due to a need to shield its national carrier from competition.

              Other considerations were invested in and build new infrastructure such as the Kabalega International Airport, to support traffic numbers resulting from liberalization; improve Entebbe International Airport to requisite standards as well as reorient the regulatory regime, which was inward-looking. “The idea to join has always been positive, but we had to first streamline our internal processes so that we go there when we are ready,” he said.” Now, we have an airline, and we must enable it to get more frequencies through SAATM. Uganda Airlines is flying to Nigeria, Mumbai, South Africa, the UAE… So, why not?” Danny Barongo, director for safety, security, and economic regulation at UCCA, said internal processes included three consultative meetings with stakeholders and with continental industry regulator to draft an agreement.

              Accession to the “solemn commitment” would see Uganda ease past Tanzania, whose government has indicated that it will not join the liberalized air space plan for another five years, but it will still lag behind Kenya, Rwanda and 13 other African countries which, last year, agreed to launch and pilot SAATM flights.

              Aviation expert Adikiny Olwenge, who is also the team leader for air transport at the Comesa, says there are benefits for airline operators as it opens up routes through 5th Freedom, which increases air transport connectivity.

              Due to the limited number of operators, this benefit is not trickling down to the passengers because of the dominant nature of such airlines, but only liberalisation that can assure new entrants that they will realise healthy competition since SAATM has the necessary instruments to control competition.

              even among the 37 countries that have signed up to the single air space regime, the same deep-seated fears and protectionism abound. “Most of the countries that have acceded to SAATM have the notion that it SAATM will kill their national airlines. That’s why we are having the awareness program for countries in Eastern Africa, Southern Africa, and Indian Ocean regions,” Mr Olwenge said.

              Source: MSN.