Etihad Airways on Wednesday launched a voucher giving 50 per cent extra cash value to passengers for travel during the two-year period starting August 1. Air travel across the world has drastically reduced amid the coronavirus pandemic and airlines have been taking various measures to improve cash flow.
In a press release, Etihad said passengers can purchase the travel voucher, any time between June 10 and June 24, and they will get 50 per cent extra cash value in the voucher, which can be used for travel during the two-period starting August 1.
Scheduled international passenger flights continue to remain suspended in the country since March 23.
However, after a gap of two months, domestic passenger flights began in India from May 25.
“Etihad Travel Vouchers are available in increments of USD 250 to a maximum of USD 65,000. The value of the purchased voucher plus 50 per cent extra credit will be added to a Travel Bank account for future redemption on flights, upgrades and extras,” said the airline.
Global airlines body IATA said on Tuesday that carriers across the world are expected to lose USD 84.3 billion in 2020, calling it the “worst year in the history of aviation”.
Even as the number of coronavirus cases continue to rise globally, various countries have resumed domestic and international air travel, albeit with much precautions and in a curtailed manner.