Hahn Air, in partnership with veritree, has committed to planting 150,000 mangrove trees, equal to an area of 15 hectares (37 acres), in Kenya and Madagascar.

Once matured, the trees will sequester for an average of 32,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide.

“We are very excited about this project,” said Hahn Air CEO, Kirsten Rehmann. “Hahn Air’s partnership with veritree is the first of a number of nature-positive initiatives we are implementing. This involves reducing the carbon footprint of our own flights, of our business operations and our business travel activities. In this regard, it is important to us to work with a trustworthy partner who closely oversees and monitors the progress of our planting initiative. With veritree, we can be sure about every single tree being planted and nurtured to reach its full carbon absorbing capacity. We can also trust that our contribution is not only benefitting the environment but also the local community.”

veritree serves as a fully integrated management system that connects businesses, like Hahn Air, directly with the local planting and execution teams on site.

Through proof-of-stake blockchain technology, veritree ensures transparency and traceability of the tree planting activities.

The trees planted through the veritree platform are tracked via QR codes to validate, monitor, and analyse the planting progress.

“veritree and Hahn Air share a vision that the future of business is restorative, and collectively we can make a difference by investing in verified nature-based solutions.” said Derrick Emsley, CEO of veritree. “veritree’s mission is to make it simple for businesses to incorporate, and steward, nature-based solutions. We’re excited by our newly founded partnership with Hahn Air.”

Mangroves forests are a group of trees and shrubs that grow in the coastal intertidal zone and that play a key role in many coastal ecosystems. They provide primary habitat for thousands of species and are breeding and nursery grounds for many fish and invertebrate species. Not only are Mangroves able to absorb and store three to four times more carbon than mature tropical forests, but they are also protecting shorelines from winds, waves, and floods.

The mangrove forests in Kenya and Madagascar are also a crucial source of livelihoods for coastal neighbourhoods. veritree includes the local communities, involves them closely in safeguarding the projects, for example through reporting and verification, and thereby creates jobs and income sources through ecotourism and agriculture.

“To contribute to a more sustainable air transport, we are also looking into solutions for our travel agency and airline partners,” said Alexander Proschka, Executive Vice President Commercial. “It is our clear goal to offer carbon compensation options for flights distributed through Hahn Air in the future.”

Source: TNA

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