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How are you preparing your students for the workplace? Smooth their journey into the industry and raise your institute’s profile with KATA membership. Academic membership is open to any academic institution offering tours and travel courses and related courses. Membership connects your students with the travel industry which accords them an opportunity to tap into experience straight from the travel industry professionals. Academic members are admitted at the discretion of the Board and are not eligible to vote or attend General Meetings.


Ready to begin your membership?

How TO Enroll

Here are the requirements:

  1. Business License
  2. Company Registration Certificate.
  3. KRA Pin Certificate.
  4. IATA Accreditation (if applicable)
  5. License from the Ministry of Education


The following fees shall be payable to the Association prior to the full admission to membership as an academic partner.

  1. One time joining fee of Kes.40,000
  2. Annual membership subscription fees of Kes.33,825


Our Academic Partners

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