Corporate Member
How To Enroll
Corporate membership is open to any organisation providing services either directly or indirectly to the travel industry and includes but not be limited to Corporate organisations, associations or government and non-governmental agencies. Corporate members are admitted at the discretion of the Board and are not eligible to vote or attend General Meetings.
Requirements for Companies
- Business License.
- Company Registration Certificate.
- KRA Pin Certificate.
- Recommendation by a KATA member.
The following fees shall be payable to the Association prior to the full admission to membership as a corporate member.
- One time joining fee of Kes.150,000
- Annual membership subscription fees of Kes.250,000
Membership Benefits
Opportunity to connect with over 300 travel agencies spread across the country thorough our membership directory. Use these contacts to build relationships and grow your business.
Attend our annual events and have an opportunity to promote your products and services through face-to-face interactions with KATA members. Complimentary access of three representatives at events.
Opportunity to influence legislative initiatives that may have direct or indirect impact on corporate members business as a result of their interest in the travel industry
Opportunities to collaborate, create and host mutually beneficial events/meetings or forums other than those listed on the KATA Calendar of Events.
Enjoy discounted rates on sponsorship for KATA events and publications.
Opportunity to contribute industry related content to the weekly KATA Newsletter
Free quarterly advertorial in the KATA Weekly Travel News e-newsletter (3 per year).
Free display of your company’s logo as a partner on the homepage of KATA’S website with a link to your website.
Free quarterly social media engagement – post, share, mention, retweet, quote and promote your company’s content on KATA social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram & you tube.)
Entitlement to a corporate membership recognition certificate.
Free copies of KATA publications, calendars and membership stickers
Free listing in KATA’s annual travel agents directory under industry partners.
Support in mobilization of travel agents participation in select events organized by your company.