Dubai is bringing its magic to East Africa with an exclusive event hosted by the Dubai Department of Economy & Tourism (DET). The Dubai Tourism Roadshow in East Africa is set to be a spectacular showcase of the Emirate’s products and services in the travel and medical sectors. With over 20 participating companies from the tourism and hospitality industry, including airlines, hotels, destination management companies, entertainment providers, and hospitals, this event promises to be a game-changer for both business professionals and travelers in East Africa.

Connecting East Africa to Dubai’s Unique Offerings

Dubai has long been a sought-after destination for travelers from all corners of the globe. Its awe-inspiring skyline, luxurious hotels, world-class shopping, and diverse culinary experiences make it a dream destination for tourists. However, this event aims to go beyond just showcasing Dubai’s glitzy attractions. It’s about establishing meaningful connections between East Africa and Dubai, with a focus on two key sectors: tourism and healthcare.

Dubai’s Diverse Participation

One of the highlights of the Dubai Tourism Roadshow is the diverse range of participants from Dubai’s vibrant tourism and hospitality industry. Airlines, hotels, destination management companies, entertainment providers, and hospitals have all come together to showcase their offerings.

For those looking to explore Dubai’s breathtaking landscapes, there are airlines offering special deals on flights to Dubai. The event is also an opportunity to discover the city’s luxurious accommodations, with a variety of hotels participating, each offering unique experiences to suit different budgets and preferences.

Destination management companies will be on hand to help East African travelers craft their dream Dubai experience, from desert safaris to city tours, ensuring every moment in Dubai is unforgettable. Entertainment providers will also be showcasing their offerings, from world-class performances to family-friendly attractions.

A Unique Focus on Healthcare

Beyond the glitz and glamour, Dubai has gained recognition as a medical tourism hub. The Dubai Tourism Roadshow is also shedding light on the city’s healthcare sector. Hospitals from Dubai will be present to discuss the cutting-edge medical treatments and services available, attracting patients from East Africa seeking world-class healthcare.

Dubai has invested heavily in its healthcare infrastructure, and it’s evident in the presence of hospitals that are at the forefront of medical innovation. This event presents an excellent opportunity for medical professionals and healthcare institutions in East Africa to explore potential collaborations and partnerships.

Dubai Raffle Prizes and Giveaways

To add an extra layer of excitement to the event, Dubai’s partners are offering fantastic raffle prizes and giveaways. Attendees have the chance to win flights, accommodation, activities, and much more in Dubai. These enticing rewards underscore Dubai’s commitment to making dreams come true for East African travelers.

Networking Opportunities

In addition to exploring the offerings of participating companies, attendees can take advantage of the networking lunch with Dubai stakeholders. This is a chance to connect with industry experts, share ideas, and establish valuable contacts. Whether you’re in the travel and tourism business or the healthcare sector, the networking opportunities at the Dubai Tourism Roadshow can open doors to new collaborations and ventures.

Join DET in Nairobi, Kenya

The Dubai Tourism Roadshow in East Africa is an event that promises to bridge the gap between East Africa and the dazzling world of Dubai. If you’re a travel professional looking to offer your clients unique Dubai experiences or a healthcare professional interested in exploring Dubai’s cutting-edge medical services, this event is not to be missed.

Join us in Nairobi, Kenya, on September 29, 2023, for an unforgettable day of discovery, networking, and exciting giveaways. Dubai is ready to welcome East Africa with open arms, and the Dubai Department of Economy & Tourism is here to make the connection happen. Book your spot today and be a part of this remarkable journey. Dubai awaits you!

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